Film to be shown in the Thurcaston Memorial Hall
Friday 10th December 2021 at 7.30opm. Doors open at 7.00pm
Entry £5 Refreshments may be included Lucky ticket prize draw.
Tickets available from: Richard Younie, 1 All Saints Road (0116 2363066) and Diana Green, 55 Anstey Lane (0116 2362619) or Parish Office (0116 2367626)
We are showing this incredible British true story as our film leading up to Christmas.
A fast living, cynical London music executive heads to a remote Cornish village on a stag weekend
where he’s tricked by his boss into trying to sign a group of shanty singing fishermen. He struggles to
gain the respect or enthusiasm of the unlikely band and their families who value friendship and
community over fame and fortune. Eventually he’s forced to re-evaluate his own integrity and ultimately
question what success really means.
Ten Cornish fishermen were signed to Universal Records and achieved a top ten hit with their
traditional sea shanties.
This biographical comedy drama won the prestigious Good Tradition Award from the BBC.