Tuesday May 23, 2023
For immediate release
New Cabinet announced for Charnwood Borough Council
The new Cabinet for Charnwood Borough Council has been announced.
Council Leader Jewel Miah confirmed the Cabinet after being elected on Monday evening (May 22).
Cllr Miah said: “I am delighted to announce my new Cabinet and I look forward to working with them and leading the Council forward.
“We have some very talented people with a wide range of professional experience who will bring a lot to the strategic direction to the Council. We are excited about the future for Charnwood.”
The Cabinet Lead Members and portfolios are:
Cllr Jewel Miah – Leader with responsibility for corporate strategy and oversight, strategic relationships, communications, corporate performance, emergency planning, equalities; and diversity and inclusion
Cllr Colin Hamilton – Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Public and Private Sector Housing with responsibility for repairs and investment; tenancy management; supported housing; rents and income management; leaseholders and Lifeline; refugee resettlement; housing options; allocations and lettings; housing needs; empty homes; HMO licensing; and training and development (Members and officers)
Cllr Ian Ashcroft – Lead Member for Finance, Customer & Support Services, Revenues and Benefits with responsibility for capital and revenue budgets and the Medium Term Financial Strategy; revenues and benefits services; audit and risk; democratic services; legal services, HR, electoral services; ICS and customer experience
Cllr Kanchan Jadeja – Lead Member for Planning with responsibility for development control; conservation and landscape; building control and Section 106 agreements
Cllr Louise Jones – Lead Member for Climate Action, Net Zero and Property and Assets with responsibility for climate action and net zero and property and assets
Cllr Jennifer Tillotson – Lead Member for Economic Development, Regeneration and Town Centres with responsibility for economic development strategy and policy; the enterprise zone; Loughborough Town Deal; UK Shared Prosperity Fund; markets and events; town centre management; public conveniences; and tourism and the visitor economy
Cllr Anne Gray Lead Member for Waste, Open Spaces and Leisure Facilities with responsibility for waste strategy and services; open spaces strategy; grounds maintenance and engineering; leisure centres; Loughborough Town Hall; and Charnwood Museum.
Cllr Elizabeth Blackshaw – Lead Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods with responsibility for community safety and neighbourhood development; community grants; safeguarding; CCTV; sport and active recreation; regulatory services; parking; environmental health; street management and licensing
The Council operates a Leader and Cabinet model which means most major decisions are made by the Cabinet. The new Cabinet’s first meeting is on Thursday, June 1.