Your help is required for Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) development – public engagement on draft networks
Continuing with our programme of work to inform the Council’s approach to providing enhanced cycling and walking facilities in the County, public engagement launches this week asking for people’s views on the draft priority cycling and walking networks. These have been developed as part of the ongoing development of the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIP’s) for the Loughborough area, and South of Leicester area, which includes Blaby, Oadby and Wigston.
As many people as possible are encouraged to have their say on the draft plans by accessing the online map based engagement here:
The engagement runs for 4 weeks (Thursday 20th January to Sunday 20th February) and responses will be considered to help inform the final priority cycling and walking routes to be included in the LCWIP’s for these areas.
LCWIP’s set out the vision and key priorities for infrastructure improvements in each of the areas, to create attractive, joined-up priority cycling and walking networks, encouraging and enabling people to travel more sustainably. LCWIP’s are also key plans in helping us to secure funding to deliver these improvements to cycling and walking routes, including via Government bidding opportunities and from developers.
It is currently anticipated that the LCWIPs will be finalised and presented to the Cabinet for approval in late summer/early autumn.