
Leicestershire County Council launch a countywide electric vehicle survey and interactive chargepoint map

Following the government’s allocation of funding for electric vehicle (EV) chargepoints, we’ve launched a countywide electric vehicle survey and interactive chargepoint map.

The survey and interactive chargepoint map provide the opportunity for current and future EV owners to tell us about their charging habits and their potential charging concerns and suggest locations in Leicestershire where they would like to see a public chargepoint installed.

Feedback will provide us with a better understanding of the demand for on-street chargepoints and charging requirements and help us to plan a network of chargepoints that works for our communities.

Have your say
The consultation is open to the public.

We are particularly interested in hearing from current and future EV owners.

If you’re able to, please complete the survey online(Link is external and opens in new window) and drop a pin on the interactive map(Link is external and opens in new window) where you would like to see a public chargepoint installed.

Alternative formats
For printed or alternative formats of the survey and interactive map, including paper copies, please email sends email) or phone 0116 305 7272

The closing date to complete the survey is Thursday 30 November 2023 (midnight).

What happens next?
Your feedback will help us to understand charging requirements and start to plan a network of chargepoints that works for our communities.

Where chargepoints are installed will depend on many factors including proven demand, electricity capacity available to accommodate electric vehicle charging and local parking pressures.

We therefore cannot guarantee a chargepoint outside your house or on your road, but our aim is to meet all areas of demand by providing chargepoints in the most convenient locations possible.

There will be further opportunities to provide feedback and any planned chargepoint locations which we take forward will be subject to further detailed local consultation at a later stage.

After the consultation closes, we’ll provide further updates at Electric vehicles (EV).

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