
Jubilee Park, Cropston – Your Views Matter!

6 thoughts on “Jubilee Park, Cropston – Your Views Matter!

  1. An excellent set of proposals, my only observation would be: Is it possible to cut back the trees overhanging the entrance and gate to the field?

    1. Thank you for your comment. This has been passed to the Open Spaces Committee who are steering this project.

  2. Great idea. Are there finances to do this? A small orchard would be lovely with wildflower areas and mown paths. How about upkeep?

    1. Many thanks for your comment. This has been passed to the Open Spaces committee who are steering this project.

  3. Like many local families we use the playground on a regular basis and whilst I know it is maintained it can look a bit grubby at times and the equipment is definitely starting to show it’s age now. Do you plan to review updating any of the equipments in the near future? Thank you

    1. Hello,

      The Parish Councils Open Spaces Committee is looking at ways to enhance Jubilee Park and they have had many ideas from residents which are going to be discussed at their next meeting in December. I will pass your comments on to the committee so they can discuss the possibility of updating the equipment in the future.

      Kind Regards
      Clerk to Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council.

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