Minutes of PC meeting 16th August 2021
Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council
Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. LE7 7JA. Tel.: 0116 2367626
Email: tncparish@btconnect.com
Minutes of meeting held on Monday 16th August 2021 at 6.45pm in the Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston.
Present: Cllr Mark Charles (Chair) Cllr Sylvia Cole , Cllr Matthew Green, Cllr Michael Jackson, Cllr Sue Graham
Also Present: Clerk, Marianne Lane and Booking Clerk, Jane Dew
1. Apologies – Apologies received from Cllr Adrian Jarvis, Cllr Leon Hadji-Nickolau & Cllr Deborah Taylor – reasons accepted.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary on agenda items. Councillors are reminded that they must notify the monitoring officer of any changes to their Register of Members Interest. None
3. To approve & sign the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st June 2021 Approved as a true record.
4. Public Participation – (NO PUBLIC)15 minute recess for members of public to comment on items on the agenda (please note that Councillors are not allowed to enter into open debate with members of the public at this point of the meeting and that, if the matters raised are not on the agenda for discussion, they may need to be followed up at a later meeting)
5. Chairman & Parish Councillors Reports on any meetings they have attended as Council Representatives. Cllr Sue Graham attended the zoom meeting of Sustainable Land Trust “Introducing the latest Centre for Nature & Society update! “ Cllr Graham also attended the Charnwood Local Plan recent zoom meeting.
6. Borough/County Councillors report if any. Cllr Mark Charles reported on the Charnwood Local Plan and also encouraged people to register to vote.
7. Clerks report including any Police Reports received. No Police report received. Vandal damage to Jubilee Park fencing and waste bin has now been repaired and replaced.
8. Charnwood Local Plan Pre-Submission 2021 – 37. Council to consider making comments in the Local Plan consultation ending on 23rd August 2021. Council resolved to use Cllr Sue Graham’s report as representation of the Parish Council.
9. Sandham Bridge – To receive up to date estimate for maintenance to Sandham bridge as recommended by LCC Engineers Dept. Quotation for £6348 for repairs has been accepted by Council and repairs to take place in Summer 2022.
10. To consider replacing Ricoh Black & White Copier with Colour and Mono printer/copier/scanner. Resolved to accept Ricoh uotation for new mono/colour copier/scanner/printer.
11. To consider response and any suggestions of how the funding of £25k is spent within Cllr Deborah Taylor’s division on highway issues within the parish. Councillors to send suggestions to the Clerk by end of August so they can be forwarded on to Cllr Deborah Taylor.
12. Parish Council Film Night – to discuss and consider future of Film Night which was suspended at start of Covid-19 pandemic. This item was deferred until September when hopefully the Film Night presenters will be able to attend meeting.
13. Financials.
a) To receive bank receipts for July 2021 for both PC and Memorial Hall – Resolved to Approve
b) To ratify payments made under delegated powers in July 2021for both Parish Council and Memorial Hall. Resolved to approve.
c) To approve payments for PC and Memorial Hall to be made in August 2021 – Resolved to approve.
c) To receive and note bank reconciliation – PC available on night Received and noted.
14. Planning Applications if any:- None received.
Meeting closed at 7.35pm