
Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting 6th May 2021

Minutes Uploaded on July 2, 2021

Minutes of the Annual meeting held virtually via zoom of the above Council on Thursday 6th May 2021 at 6.30pm.

Present: Cllr Mark Charles, Cllr Adrian Jarvis, Cllr Michael Jackson, Cllr Sue Graham, Cllr Sylvia Cole, Cllr Matt Green.
Also Present – Clerk, Marianne Lane, Jane Dew & Tracey Sowerby of LCC

1. Election of Chairman – Cllr Mark Charles was elected unanimously as Chairman

2. Election of Vice-Chairman – Cllr Sue Graham was elected as Vice-Chairman

3. Apologies – Received from Cllr Deborah Taylor and Cllr Leon Hadji-Nickolau as it is Election Day

4. To receive Declarations of Interest – Non received.

5. To approve minutes of meeting held on 15th April and rescheduled meeting on 23rd April 2021. Resolved as a true record.

6. No Public Participation as no public in attendance.

7. Clerks Report –
LCC unable to attend meeting to advise of up dates on parking restrictions around Bradgate Park area particularly in Cropston
Clerk invited to meeting with CBC on Ward Boundaries review on 19th May 2021.

8. Parish Councillors Reports – None

9. Borough and County Councillors Reports – Borough Councillor Mark Charles advised that Charnwood Borough Council are coming to terms with face to face meetings.

10. a)To review and consider amendment to Standing Orders. Resolved to amend standing orders to allow flexibility with days and times of meetings. Following the meeting, Cllr Adrian Jarvis requested to minute that he supports the amendment on condition that any decision to change the time of a meeting must be supported unanimously by all Councillors so no Councillor is placed in a position where they cannot attend when others may vote for a change.
b) To review Council policies. Resolved that no changes were needed to any other Council policies and no new policies needed.

11. The Parish Council resolved unanimously to establish an “Open Spaces” committee. Five Councillors were appointed to the committee plus one non Councillor. Council considered and resolved to adopt the “Terms of Reference” for the committee. Cllr Sue Graham was appointed as Chair of the committee. There will be 4 committee meetings per year.

12. Tracey Sowerby, Community Recovery Worker of the Public Health Dept. at Leicestershire County Council, introduced herself to the members of the Council and provided information on her role for the Charnwood area.

13. Parish Council remote meetings are unlawful from the 7th May 2021 and the Parish Council resolved for face to face meetings to take place on a day agreed by Council at 6.30pm in the Memorial Hall subject to meeting all covid Health and Safety Regulations. The June meeting will take place on Thursday 24th June 2021 at 6.30pm following the lifting of restrictions on the 21st June 2021

14 Financials

a) Council resolved to approve and sign Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021
b) Council resolved to approve and sign Section 2 – Accounting Statement 2020/2021
c) Council resolved to approve End of Year Bank Reconciliation – 31st March 2021
d) Council resolved to approve End of Year Accounts for the Memorial Hall 2020/2021
e) Bank receipt of £446.00 received and approved for the month of April 2021. Payments for May to be made under delegated powers to the Clerk.
f) Council noted the receipt of the 1st instalment of the precept from CBC of £20,421.17

15. Council reviewed Inventory of the Asset Register

16. Information received from CBC Planning and Cllr Deborah Taylor of the Callington Site on Anstey Lane in Anstey.

17. Information received from Sgt. Steve Kilsby of Charnwood Police regarding possibility of Community partnership forum. Council would like for the Clerk to contact Sgt. Kilsby and invite him to the next Parish Council meeting to provide more information directly.

18. Planning Applications:

P/21/0703/2 – Proposed single storey extension to rear of dwelling. 19 All Saints Road, Thurcaston. NOTED with no comment.

Meeting Closed at 7.40pm

Thurcaston and Cropston Parish Council proudly support those who have served
PC Annual meeting 6th May 2021