Minutes of PC Meeting 21st June 2021
Thurcaston & Cropston Parish Council
Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston. LE7 7JA. Tel.: 0116 2367626
Email: tncparish@btconnect.com
Minutes of meeting held on Monday 21st June 2021 at 6.45pm in the Memorial Hall, Anstey Lane, Thurcaston.
Present: Cllr Sylvia Cole (Chaired meeting), Cllr Matthew Green, Cllr Michael Jackson.
Also Present: Clerk, Marianne Lane and Booking Clerk, Jane Dew
1. Apologies – Received and accepted from Cllr. Mark Charles, Cllr Sue Graham and Cllr Adrian Jarvis.
2. To receive Declarations of Interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary on agenda items. None
3 To approve & sign the Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 6th May 2021 via Zoom. Approved as a true record.
4. Delegated Powers. The Clerk shall have delegated authority to make decisions on behalf of the council where
such decision cannot reasonably be deferred and must be made in order to comply with a commercial or
statutory deadline as there is no council meeting in July. The delegation does not extend to matters
expressly reserved to the council in legislation or in its Standing Orders of Financial Regulations. Any
decisions made under this delegations must be recorded in writing and must be published in accordance with
the relevant regulations. This delegated authority ceases upon the first meeting of the council after the
council meeting at which the delegation was put in place. Approved unanimously.
5. No Public Participation 15 minute recess for members of public to comment on items on the agenda. (please
note that Councillors are not allowed to enter into open debate with members of the public at this point of
the meeting and that, if the matters raised are not on the agenda for discussion, they may need to be
followed up at a later meeting)
6. Risk Assessment – to adopt updated Risk Assessment which includes Sandham Bridge for Insurance purposes.
Resolved to adopt unanimously.
7. Sandham Bridges – to ratify approval of the use of Sandham Bridge for filming purposes by Twist & Shout
Communications and accept donation of £400 towards future maintenace of bridges. Unanimously resolved to
8. Open Spaces Committee – to confirm and agree meeting dates for the next 12 months. Resolved to approve
meeting dates of Friday 3rd Sept 2021, Friday 3rd December 2021, Friday 4th March 2022 and Friday 3rd June
9. Financials.
a) To receive bank receipts for month of May for both Parish Council and Memorial Hall accounts. Received
b) To ratify payments made under delegated powers in May 2021 for both Parish Council and Memorial Hall.
Resolved to ratify.
c) To approve payments to be made in June 2021 – £7772.89 Parish Council. £475.64 Memorial Hall. APPROVED
c) To receive and note bank reconciliation Noted
d) To receive Internal Audit Report and note any recommendations. Received and noted. Councillors thanked
Clerk for hard work with internal audit.
10. Planning
P/19/1898/2 – Callington Construction – further comments allowed until 22nd June 2021 as agreed with
Charnwood Borough Council. Council resolved to send further objections to this planning application.
P/21/1015/2 – Conversion of existing garage into living accommodation. Erection of single storey front
extension and detached garage to front of dwelling. 1A Bradgate Road, Cropston. Noted no comment
P/21/1016/2 – Erection of two storey front extension and porch to front. 85A Station Road, Cropston. Noted
no comment
11. To confirm next PC meeting on Monday 16th August 6.45pm at Memorial Hall. Noted
Meeting closed 7.30pm