Each County Councillor has been allocated £25k to spend on highway issues in their Electoral Division. Cllr Deborah Taylor is County Councillor for the electoral division which includes Thurcaston & Cropston.
Cllr Taylor is asking all Parish Councils in the electoral division to help co-ordinate how the funding of £25,000 is spent.
The Parish Council would like to hear from residents with some ideas as to what would benefit Thurcaston and Cropston from this fund.
Residents are asked to contact the Clerk to the Parish Council who will then co-ordinate with Cllr Taylor. Please send your suggestions by email to tncparish@btconnect.com by the 31st August 2021.
Once some schemes/ideas have been received from residents, then costings can be looked at. Any scheme could also be match funded by parishes or third parties.
Please see attached some funding options for your to consider plus the cabinet paper where the fund was approved.